Tag Archives: breastfeeding

Pump, Store, Feed Care Plan

expressingearlymilkPumping, Storing and Feeding Expressed Milk
(Or, Preparing for Eventual Return to Work  

  • Begin expressing and storing milk once day in the morning immediately or shortly after breastfeeding (week 2-3).
  • May add a 2nd pumping session later in the day (also after breastfeeding) if desired.
  • Double pump (both breasts at the same time) for 12-15 minutes.
  • Adjust vacuum to the maximum level that is still comfortable. Pumping shouldn’t hurt!
  • While pumping, massage and compress the breasts every few minutes
  • Reposition nipple within flange tunnel 2 or 3 times during session
  • Midway into pumping session when milk flow/collection slows down, press the “let-down button” (“speed toggle switch”) for another stimulation-mode (rapid shallow pumping) if your pump has this feature.
  • Introduce the bottle before 5 weeks old. Week 3 or 4 is perfect.
  • Use a SLOW FLOW bottle nipple and paced bottle feeding (upright position, bottle almost horizontal to baby, take pauses for interaction or burping)
  • Begin by offering one ounce by bottle. This can be increased to 2 and gradually 2.5-3 ounces, if a “full” bottle feeding is desired.
  • Continue to offer at least an ounce by bottle every 2-3 days right up until the return to work. AVOID a “bottle feeding vacation” where no bottle is given.
  • Store freshly expressed milk in the back of the refrigerator for about 4 to 7 days.
  • Store milk in milk storage bags in the freezer by lying them flat to freeze overnight, then stacking them up in a container in the back of the freezer.
  • Write the date and volume on the storage bag prior to placing in the freezer.
  • Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator over 12-24 hours, or place bag directly in a bowl of hot (not boiling) water for a few minutes.
  • If you have additional questions or difficulties pumping or introducing the bottle, contact me for suggestions.
  • My Golden Rule of Breastmilk for Healthy Babies:
    If it LOOKS ok, SMELLS ok and baby will take it (TASTES ok), it’s FINE to use.